All projects
We support more than 150 organisations every year.
Discover more about the projects we have supported by exploring the information below.

The Parachute Regiment Charity
- Social Inclusion
Provides support to current and former service personnel and their dependants.
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The Parish Trust
- Environment
Bag a Bargain distributes food that would otherwise end up in landfill. For a donation of £3, individuals can acquire a bag of food worth at least £15.
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The Parochial Church of the Parish of St Peter and St Paul (Ringwood PCC)
- Heritage and Conservation
Enhancement of the Church Tower Bells in Ringwood Parish Church.
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The Prince and Princess of Wales’s Hospice
- Health and Wellbeing
Provides palliative care and support for people living in South Glasgow
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The Prince of Wales Hospice
- Health and Wellbeing
Cares for and supports patients with life-limiting illness and their families.
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The Principle Trust Children’s Charity
- Health and Wellbeing
Helping to improve the quality of life of children across Yorkshire who are underprivileged, disadvantaged, or disabled through the provision of free holidays and respite breaks.
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The Prospects Trust
- Countryside
Supporting the creation of a seasonal programme of activities in the Nature Reserve to encourage volunteering in the wider community
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The Trussell Trust
- Health and Wellbeing
Provides crisis grants to foodbanks in the Trussell Trust network.
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The Upper Room (St Saviour’s)
- Education
The Upper Room’s overall aim is to provide vulnerable individuals with support and training to equip them with the skills and tools they need to thrive.
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The Venture
- Health and Wellbeing
Supporting the salary costs of a Food Distribution officer.
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Theodora Children’s Charity
- Health and Wellbeing
Giggle Doctors bring joy and laughter to children living with illness, disability and serious health challenges.
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Tiny Tim’s Children’s Centre
- Health and Wellbeing
Improving the Quality of Life for Children with Disabilities.
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