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The Fund is primarily a grantmaking organisation, running both ‘large’ and ‘small’ grants programmes. The Trustees oversee all grantmaking, awarding grants across six funding themes.


Protecting and promoting the environment through efforts including habitat restoration, species conservation, carbon savings and sequestration and circular economies.

Black fronted piping guan bird

BirdLife International

  • Environment
Conserving birds, their habitats and global diversity through a network of 123 national partners covering all continents, landscapes and seascapes.

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Investing in the economic and environmental future of the countryside. This includes grants to support sustainable and regenerative agriculture, nature friendly farming practices and a brighter future for those who live and work in rural communities.

Many hands planting a tree.

The Prospects Trust

  • Countryside
Supporting the creation of a seasonal programme of activities in the Nature Reserve to encourage volunteering in the wider community

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Social Inclusion

Promoting social inclusion for vulnerable and marginalised communities through projects that relieve poverty, loneliness and other social issues.

Carers Worldwide

  • Social Inclusion
Partnering with local NGOs across South Asia to promote emotional, physical and financial wellbeing and to equip groups of carers to advocate for their rights.

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Health and Wellbeing

Improving the health and wellbeing of people and communities. Our grants have enabled people with disabilities, those facing life limiting illnesses and people from disadvantaged and marginalised communities to benefit from improved physical and mental health.

Rotherham Cancer Care

  • Health and Wellbeing
Aims to help and improve the quality of life of people affected by cancer

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Heritage icon

Heritage and Conservation

The preservation of historic and culturally important buildings and traditional craftmanship, together with the sustainable regeneration of communities and the built environment across the globe.

Interior of St Cyprians

St Cyprian’s Church, London

  • Heritage and Conservation
Creating an accessible toilet and kitchenette, enabling the church to be used by the whole community.

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Supporting education, training and employability opportunities through which young people and adults can fulfil their potential. This includes grants to non-profit organisations working to narrow the attainment gap, support broader education through music, the arts, sports and outdoor pursuits, as well as investing in teachers continuing professional development.

Girl in a blue t-shirt sitting in a classroom holding a pen


  • Education
Aims to increase educational equity for underserved children, particularly girls, in rural Ghana.

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Where we work

Through our grant programmes, we aim to make an impact worldwide as part of our mission to transform lives and build sustainable communities.

KCCF funds projects across all four corners of the United Kingdom, the Commonwealth and Internationally. We support grassroots-led initiatives addressing specific community needs through to global charities working across a number of countries to deliver large-scale impact.

You can learn more about where we work by visiting the current projects page and using our interactive map.

Who we fund

A girl and her dog from Dogs for Autism

Small grants

We award grants of up to £5,000 per year through our apply online programme.
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Large grants

Our large grants programme supports a range of organisations each year.
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