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The Fund is primarily a grantmaking organisation, running both ‘large’ and ‘small’ grants programmes. The Trustees oversee all grantmaking, awarding grants across six funding themes.


Protecting and promoting the environment through efforts including habitat restoration, species conservation, carbon savings and sequestration and circular economies.

A visit to Cranborne Chase


  • Environment
Working to secure a world rich in wild plants and fungi.

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Investing in the economic and environmental future of the countryside. This includes grants to support sustainable and regenerative agriculture, nature friendly farming practices and a brighter future for those who live and work in rural communities.

Regenerative Food and Farming CIC

  • Countryside
Reducing farm food surplus and getting it to those in need across Cornwall and west Devon

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Social Inclusion

Promoting social inclusion for vulnerable and marginalised communities through projects that relieve poverty, loneliness and other social issues.

South Essex Community Hub

  • Social Inclusion
Established to support the communities of South Essex to enable them to thrive by promoting and strengthening community cohesion through their Help In Hub.

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Health and Wellbeing

Improving the health and wellbeing of people and communities. Our grants have enabled people with disabilities, those facing life limiting illnesses and people from disadvantaged and marginalised communities to benefit from improved physical and mental health.

Foothold Cymru

  • Health and Wellbeing
Cooking Up Smiles is a pioneering approach to addressing holiday hunger and food waste.

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Heritage icon

Heritage and Conservation

The preservation of historic and culturally important buildings and traditional craftmanship, together with the sustainable regeneration of communities and the built environment across the globe.

Blanchland and Hunstanworth PCC

  • Heritage and Conservation
Restoration and conservation of three unique 15th century Premonstratensian stained glass panels.

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Supporting education, training and employability opportunities through which young people and adults can fulfil their potential. This includes grants to non-profit organisations working to narrow the attainment gap, support broader education through music, the arts, sports and outdoor pursuits, as well as investing in teachers continuing professional development.

Monteverdi Choir and Orchestras

  • Education
The registered charity of three leading international music ensembles: the Monteverdi Choir, English Baroque Soloists and Orchestre Révolutionnaire et Romantique

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A girl and her dog from Dogs for Autism

Small grants

We award grants of up to £5,000 per year through our apply online programme.
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Large grants

Our large grants programme supports a range of organisations each year.
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