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Ranan Dasgupta

Our Founder appoints Mr. Ranan Dasgupta to the King Charles III Charitable Fund board

We are delighted to announce the appointment of Mr. Ranan Dasgupta to the KCCF board. Mr. Dasgupta was appointed by our Founder, King Charles III in March 2024. This appointment will strengthen the KCCF board with additional skills and in particular provide health and education expertise to support delivery of our mission.

Having been appointed as Consultant Urological Surgeon at Imperial College Healthcare 15 years ago, Mr Dasgupta has been an undergraduate tutor at his alma mater at Cambridge University and is currently a tutor at Imperial College and postgraduate examiner for FRCS(Urol). Along with a higher degree in Neuro-Urology (UCL), he has subspecialist research interests in Endourology.

Awarded a Visiting Professorship by the Cleveland Clinic, Mr. Dasgupta is currently an executive board member of the global Societe Internationale d’Urologie (Montreal) and serves as current chair of its Research Council. He has acted as a school governor for 5 years, was selected as an expert advisor to NICE and served as a teacher at the Royal College of Surgeons of England. He was appointed to the Royal Medical Household in 2020 and has served as Sergeant-Surgeon to the Household since 2023.

Ranan said ‘It is an immense honour to serve the laudable aims of the KCCF, building on the outstanding impact this charity has had over many years. I look forward to offering my full support in continuing this incredible legacy, whose impact is evident in the individual lives it has touched.’