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Red Cross at work

British Red Cross

Helps people in crisis, whoever and wherever they are. 
  • Social Inclusion

In 2022, the Red Cross helped 5 million people in Ukraine with emergency assistance, and distributed cash grants totalling more than £56m to over 625,000 people.

The Fund supports the British Red Cross through donations to disaster appeals, helping the organisation to respond to crises around the globe including earthquakes in Morocco, the war in Ukraine and wildfires in Australia.

The British Red Cross shared this update with us following the Morocco earthquake in August 2023:

The disaster has left communities in a state of shock and despair. More than 2,000 people are reported to have lost their lives and many more are injured. Countless homes, community buildings, and critical infrastructure have been destroyed.

As you may be aware, the Moroccan Red Crescent Society are leading the response and their staff and volunteers have been working day and night on the relief effort. The Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement around the world is assisting and — together with our wonderful supporters — ensuring that in their time of need they are not alone.

We know that this emergency response will be a marathon, not a sprint, as people affected by the earthquake will need support in the weeks, months, and possibly years to come. They will need access to clean and safe water and shelter, continued emotional support, and in the long-term, help to rebuild their lives.